Saturday, December 29, 2007

Watching Warlords

Today just went out with my bodyguard, Jun Hao and David to JP. Haha. Tanoshii kata na. Though bodyguard wasn't able to catch the movie with us, we do have a good time eating, chatting and playing at the arcade. Hmm...today was abit better in the fighting games...managed to beat up a few guys under my sealed form (unable to do any skills coz I'm not good with the arcade controller..haha). Managed to play through a few stages of Tekken, Soul Calibur and KOF MI after defeating the previous player. Too bad wasn't able to play Tekken with Jun Hao though...coz his coin got stuck in the machine after the previous player got defeated...haha.

Back to the movie, the movie we watched today, as stated in the title was Warlords. Yeah, I know the movie has actually been there for quite long but just feel like watching only recently. The movie is actually quite good. The 3 main characters had their personality and what they believed in portrayed very well in the movie. I will just share my opinions on these characters:

Jet Li plays the character who can do anything in order to bring about the peace that he desired. He does not mind pretending to be dead among his soldiers just to survive, he does not mind joining the bandits if he can use them as his power, he does not mind killing his comrades if they are in the wrong as long as their deaths serves as a deterrent to prevent anyone from his army to commit the same mistake, he does not mind borrowing army rations from another army which he is not in good terms with as long as he can continue to fight the war, he does not mind killing 4000 soldiers who had surrendered for the sake of food just so that he can save the rations for his own men. He does not mind killing his sworn brother as long as he can remove any worries of a mutiny within his army. All these, just so that he can create a world where everyone is on equal status and the poor would not get bullied by the weak.

On the other hand, the character that Andy Lau played valued moral values above all else. He would risk his life to save his brother, he would do everything he can to honour a promise made but sadly, in the face of war, such acts would only be seen as naive and hence he could not protect the lives of the soldiers which he had promised to take care of and in the end, killed by the sworn brother which he is trying to protect.

Lastly, the character played by Takeshi Kaneshiro was a naive and innocent young man who do not understand the complications of polictics. He would do anything for his brother and will follow whatever he chooses to believe in all the way to the end.

Well, that's what I think at least after watching the movie. After watching this movie, I think the main reason for the 3 different personalities of the main characters is to ask this question, during a war, is it more important to sacrifice whatever you think is necessary in order to win, or is it more important to uphold what you think is right, or is simplicity the best option, where you only follow whoever you think is right and just follow all the way to the end. Honestly, I do not know the answer to this question either... ...

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