Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Starting anew

Hi, Eriku desu. Receiving several feedbacks that my blog on friendster(http://quantum_shadow.blogs.friendster.com/quantum_corridor/) often led to an error page, I've decided to switch to blogspot instead. Just a quick intro again, I'm currently in NS working as a clerk and no, being a clerk is not that slack as you might think. I do get the benefit of staying out though. I'm more of a thinker than a speaker and I often think about basic stuffs such as defination of life and what it meant to be successful. I've written down my definations on these 2 issues in my ex-blog mentioned just now, but if whoever is reading still can't gain access to it, nvm then, coz it's also nothing great actually...just some of my thinkings.

I've currently formed up an online band with my friend Bryan and we are called ThunderFlame. Though we still lack skills, members and popularity, we believed we can overcome these barriers as long as we don't give up. Just a bit of background info on ThunderFlame, we mostly do jap songs but we do chi and eng songs at times. We used codenames rather than our own names and for me, my codename is Tiga. Since we posted our videos online, we are already prepared for any negative comments but please let it be something that is constructive. We have recently discover that another fellow schoolmate of us, stoop as low as to insult our songs by naming ThunderFlame's first duet as joker song of the year and labled one of the songs sung by Dyna(Bryan's codename) as worst song sung. This is something we do not accept. It's not like we are petty or whatever but this is too far. If you do not like our songs, you can tell us and we'll accept any suggestions to improve, but not just take our songs and do these sort of unwanted "advertising", we are particularly sensitive to that because we have put in a lot of efforts in these, and we also do not believe that our songs are really that bad to that extent as there are worst songs out there.
This are the songs that I've sung so far(including the video in my fav.): http://www.youtube.com/manjomethunder

Back to myself, besides singing, I also enjoy anime and games. Currently playing G Generations Spirits and since I've already commented on the game once on my previous blog, I wouldn't do it again. I will just say that it is definitely a good game and it is much better than G Gen Seed in my opinion...dun understand y so many people think that it is bad just because it only focus on Universal century and leave out the better series such as Wing and Seed/Seed Destiny. Just in case alot of you still dunno, Seed Destiny was more like a copy made out of Zeta Gundam.

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