Monday, December 31, 2007

.hack//G.U Trilogy

Just now came across this website after browsing through the web. It's a movie version of .hack//G.U that Bandai Namco is planning to create for the upcoming year. Went to see the trailers under the movie section and I must say it's really cool. Though it does not look much different from the game itself, the storyline certainly do seems like there's some addition, especially the remake of Atoli under the control of Sakaki (really like those wings..haha) and an AIDA-infected Haseo. And the part when the AIDA-infected Haseo draws his weapon in front of tri-edge is incredibly awesome! Haha. First there was a tear in space and next, weapons of all kinds flew out from the vortex...sorta reminds me of the "Hungry Sword" attack from the Black Sword Rune in Suikoden II.

Just to provide some background story to .hack//G.U. The story revolves around an online game called "The World" and there was an outbreak of a virus known as AIDA in this game. Players infected by this virus would be totally under the control of the darkness in their heart and anyone these infected players PK'ed (Player Kill) will fall into a coma. The main character of the story, Haseo, had the person whom he admired PK'ed right in front of him and fell into a coma and in order to save her, he decides to go after the person who PK'ed her -Tri Edge.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Watching Warlords

Today just went out with my bodyguard, Jun Hao and David to JP. Haha. Tanoshii kata na. Though bodyguard wasn't able to catch the movie with us, we do have a good time eating, chatting and playing at the arcade. Hmm...today was abit better in the fighting games...managed to beat up a few guys under my sealed form (unable to do any skills coz I'm not good with the arcade controller..haha). Managed to play through a few stages of Tekken, Soul Calibur and KOF MI after defeating the previous player. Too bad wasn't able to play Tekken with Jun Hao though...coz his coin got stuck in the machine after the previous player got defeated...haha.

Back to the movie, the movie we watched today, as stated in the title was Warlords. Yeah, I know the movie has actually been there for quite long but just feel like watching only recently. The movie is actually quite good. The 3 main characters had their personality and what they believed in portrayed very well in the movie. I will just share my opinions on these characters:

Jet Li plays the character who can do anything in order to bring about the peace that he desired. He does not mind pretending to be dead among his soldiers just to survive, he does not mind joining the bandits if he can use them as his power, he does not mind killing his comrades if they are in the wrong as long as their deaths serves as a deterrent to prevent anyone from his army to commit the same mistake, he does not mind borrowing army rations from another army which he is not in good terms with as long as he can continue to fight the war, he does not mind killing 4000 soldiers who had surrendered for the sake of food just so that he can save the rations for his own men. He does not mind killing his sworn brother as long as he can remove any worries of a mutiny within his army. All these, just so that he can create a world where everyone is on equal status and the poor would not get bullied by the weak.

On the other hand, the character that Andy Lau played valued moral values above all else. He would risk his life to save his brother, he would do everything he can to honour a promise made but sadly, in the face of war, such acts would only be seen as naive and hence he could not protect the lives of the soldiers which he had promised to take care of and in the end, killed by the sworn brother which he is trying to protect.

Lastly, the character played by Takeshi Kaneshiro was a naive and innocent young man who do not understand the complications of polictics. He would do anything for his brother and will follow whatever he chooses to believe in all the way to the end.

Well, that's what I think at least after watching the movie. After watching this movie, I think the main reason for the 3 different personalities of the main characters is to ask this question, during a war, is it more important to sacrifice whatever you think is necessary in order to win, or is it more important to uphold what you think is right, or is simplicity the best option, where you only follow whoever you think is right and just follow all the way to the end. Honestly, I do not know the answer to this question either... ...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Christmas is finally here! Haha. For this year's christmas, I had done a christmas song specially for the occasion. The song is First Christmas by K. Hope you all enjoy it.

Just receive some annoying stuffs today but I wun comment on it...it's a bother to anyway. What I can say to this particular person(if you are reading) is this, just having a personal grudge against me and mistaking Dyna for me gives you the right to insult that video? That would mean it would not be insulted if you know it's not mine in the first place? If that's what youtube is to you, I can tell that you do not know how to appreciate videos, you would only pick on videos and regardless of it being good or bad, you just insult or make fun of it to your pleasure? Am I any wrong to say that? Also, you can continue to insult as you like, but I would not back down because of your insults. I would continue to improve myself to perfection while you will just be sitting there with more insults and "perfecting" this art.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Latest ThunderFlame additions

Just met up with my bro Dyna today and yup, we did up another 2 duets and here they are:

Eien ni

Blade Chord

And as usual, since the videos are posted on Dyna's account, I've attached them to my page as favourites. Man, Blade Chord was exhausting and we did that for quite a number of times before we actually complete the final product.

After spending the whole morning and some parts of afternoon completing these 2 songs, we then played a bit of PS2. But we only have time for Dragonball Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and Basara 2 Heroes. Haha...kanashii na Dyna...nvr train up Yukimura...

We then went to Jurong Point in the evening for our dinner...ate KFC..haha. Afterwhich go arcade play Silent Hill but sadly, we ran out of credits before we can finish the game. Thanks bro, it was another fun day for ThunderFlame! Haha.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Starting anew

Hi, Eriku desu. Receiving several feedbacks that my blog on friendster(http://quantum_shadow.blogs.friendster.com/quantum_corridor/) often led to an error page, I've decided to switch to blogspot instead. Just a quick intro again, I'm currently in NS working as a clerk and no, being a clerk is not that slack as you might think. I do get the benefit of staying out though. I'm more of a thinker than a speaker and I often think about basic stuffs such as defination of life and what it meant to be successful. I've written down my definations on these 2 issues in my ex-blog mentioned just now, but if whoever is reading still can't gain access to it, nvm then, coz it's also nothing great actually...just some of my thinkings.

I've currently formed up an online band with my friend Bryan and we are called ThunderFlame. Though we still lack skills, members and popularity, we believed we can overcome these barriers as long as we don't give up. Just a bit of background info on ThunderFlame, we mostly do jap songs but we do chi and eng songs at times. We used codenames rather than our own names and for me, my codename is Tiga. Since we posted our videos online, we are already prepared for any negative comments but please let it be something that is constructive. We have recently discover that another fellow schoolmate of us, stoop as low as to insult our songs by naming ThunderFlame's first duet as joker song of the year and labled one of the songs sung by Dyna(Bryan's codename) as worst song sung. This is something we do not accept. It's not like we are petty or whatever but this is too far. If you do not like our songs, you can tell us and we'll accept any suggestions to improve, but not just take our songs and do these sort of unwanted "advertising", we are particularly sensitive to that because we have put in a lot of efforts in these, and we also do not believe that our songs are really that bad to that extent as there are worst songs out there.
This are the songs that I've sung so far(including the video in my fav.): http://www.youtube.com/manjomethunder

Back to myself, besides singing, I also enjoy anime and games. Currently playing G Generations Spirits and since I've already commented on the game once on my previous blog, I wouldn't do it again. I will just say that it is definitely a good game and it is much better than G Gen Seed in my opinion...dun understand y so many people think that it is bad just because it only focus on Universal century and leave out the better series such as Wing and Seed/Seed Destiny. Just in case alot of you still dunno, Seed Destiny was more like a copy made out of Zeta Gundam.