Monday, July 7, 2008

It's here!

Haha, can't believe it! My song made it up to youtube and I'm not the one who posted it.

But then again, dunno whether it's a good thing or a bad thing coz I actually screwed up half the song by forgetting the lyrics and just anyhow throw in words that came to my mind. Haha.

Anyway, here's a few jokes I read just now. There was this conversation between two people, A and B. A saw one of those 'chan' (a type of insect...dun remember its english name) and ask B "Don't you think those 'chan's very pitiful? They hid in the ground for so long and when they finally came to the surface, they only have a week to live". Then B's response was that we cannot gurantee those chan is not having a good life below the surface. Maybe they had all they need and enjoyed life and before they die, they have those "die die also must score a goal" attitude and come to the surface to see-see before they die.
Next, A saw B killed a mosquito and asked "Don't you find mosquitos pitiful? They suck blood becoz they need to give birth but was killed as pests". And B's response was that our skin itch after bitten coz of the mosquito saliva. They are those cheapskates who eat for free and after that still spit on you and say the food's not nice.

Eh? Not funny? Haha...


Anonymous said...

Have confidence. ^o^ Next year, you will definitely gonna do a better job. =D Ganbatte~!

Anonymous said...

haha. thanks! hope i don't lose control of my voice like this year can le..haha