Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bringing forth the legend of the swords

Yesterday met up with Spectre Ben go visit Bryan's house bai nian. There, we played Soul Calibur Legends...lol...can't believed we played the game straight all the way till afternoon and the impression the game left me was...."IT'S DAMN HARD!!!" Haha. Really, somemore it's rather physically exhausting since it's on the WII and being a WII noob, I swing the controller widely and wasted energy. Bryan, being the Siegfried/Nightmare supporter he is, of course used Siegfried while I played as Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia(Shishi Senkou saved me a lot of times..haha). On the other hand, we witnessed Spec Ben's SM-ing side as he used the character Ivy and seemed to enjoy whipping the golems with that SM outfit. Way to go Spec!

Me and Bryan also decide to re-play Yugioh even though it's not much of an 'in' thing ever since Mediacorp stopped broadcasting the show but hey, what matters is the card game itself right?(actually I do not like the show much but like the game itself) Coz recently there's this new yugioh game on PS2 - Yugioh: Beginning of Destiny. Also another hard game, coz the starter deck that you have right from the start really like shit...mostly monsters with 1200 atk, not much useful trap or magic (besides Swords of Revealing Light) and wth, when I tried to battle Misawa he kept using monsters with 1900 atk and traps like sakuretsu armour. VERY hard to win at first but as I get more cards and start building a fit-enough deck, things starts to get addictive for me and hence I hope can get more people into the game...then can tag duel.

In the afternoon me and Spec met up with Yongzen for dinner. Though Bryan was unable to go with us, we still have a fun time catching up la...haha...afterall dunno how long never see Yongzen le...still remember the old days when he always "Ohm" and flex his chest muscles. LOL.

Yup, it was really good to meet up with them after so long, a pity Kaiquan couldn't make it. Maybe we should meet up again, next time probably playing Bleach or maybe even Gundam Musou if we are meeting from March onwards. Haha.

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