Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Just found this interesting album recently. Basically it contains 10 openings/endings to the anime Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden but it is sung by the Naruto characters instead...featuring Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi and Shikamaru.

Songs featured in this album:
1. Distance - By Naruto
2. ROCKS - By Kakashi
3. Scenario - By Sasuke
4. Nagareboshi - By Shikamaru
5. Yura Yura - By Sakura
6. Tsubomi - By Naruto
7. Mezamero Yasesi - By Kakashi
8. Kimimonogatari - By Sasuke
9. Re:Member - By Shikamaru
10. Pinocchio - By Sakura

Btw, I'm not an uploader so if you want the album, find yourself. :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Yesterday met up with David and Jun Hao for lunch, afterwhich we played PS. Haha. A pity Ziheng went ROC though. Among the games we played was KOF Maximum Impact, where we finally created our own team C.D.E! Lol. Hope next time we can use this team in the arcade. We also played Metal Slug 6, and we almost lost at the last stage, when David used up the last credit and went game over. Haha. Lucky we made it through though. What a close shave...hehe.

Team C.D.E (Chionh.David.Eric)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bouken Spirits!!!

Lately I just started watching Boukenger and it's amazing!!! The characters are pretty cool, as well as the special effects and fighting scenes, not to mention the storyline as well. The story is about an ancient priest of a doomed civilisation awakening and is after the ancient artifacts that could power up ancient machinery or cause adnormal effects. These artifacts are known as Precious. Moreover, there are two more tribes after these artifacts as well, besides the ancient priest. They are the Jaryuu(Evil Dragon) Tribe and Dark Shadow(A ninja tribe). To counter this terror, a secret organisation, SGS Foundation has developed its own special operations team, the Boukengers, to do battle and collect some of the more dangerous Precious.

And below are the main characters of the series:

Akashi Satoru
The Fiery Adventurer, as BoukenRed he drives GoGo Dump and leads the team with a calm expression and a fire in his heart. He mostly battles against Ryuuwon of the Jaryuu Tribe. And he's the coolest red ranger I've seen so far. Able to take on most enemies alone and not to mention having a cool composure and being hot-blooded at the same time.

Inou Masumi
The Fast Adventurer, as BoukenBlack he drives GoGo Formula, a racecar-like vehicle, and is only part of the Boukengers to pay his debt back to Akashi for saving his life. He has a personal vendetta against Yaiba of Darkness of Dark Shadow. He started as someone who would do anything in order to accomplish his goals but as time pass, he realise the trust his companion has in him and in turn fights to protect them. He's one of those cool guy with a cold attitude but cares for his companion type.

Mogami Souta
The High-Up Adventurer, as BoukenBlue he drives GoGo Gyro, an airplane-like vehicle, and serves as the team's information specialist. He finds himself fighting Shizuka of the Wind of Dark Shadow. Hmm...this guy seems like a womaniser at first glance but as the show goes on, he shows a caring side towards women and always maintains a carefree attitude. Another character with a cool personality. It is also revealed later that he used to work as a spy and sell information to other countries but after he learned that such methods would only cause more war and suffering to the people, he decides to be an adventurer instead.

Mamiya Natsuki
The Strong Adventurer, as BoukenYellow she drives GoGo Dozer, a giant bulldozer, and is the most childish of the group. Her main reason to adventure was to discover more about her own past. It is later revealed that she is the last survivor of the Lemurian civilization. The childish type...hmmm...I wonder if this was also another cool personality as well. Haha

Nishihori Sakura
The Deep Adventurer, as BoukenPink she drives GoGo Marine, a giant submarine, and is the most serious member of the team when it comes to work. She often appears to be cold and emotionless, but cares for her teammates. What else to say? A pretty girl with a serious and cold attitude. Cool.

Takaokami Eiji

The Dazzling Adventurer, as BoukenSilver he drives GoGo Fire and serves as the spiritually strongest of the team because his father, the Ashu Watcher Kando wed with the Ashu Kei, making Eiji half-Ashu. He mostly battles against Gai (as either form) due to their bitter history. Needless to say, the extra ranger is always cool. His looks tells it already anyway.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Yesterday met up with my thunderflame partner Bryan and we finally did the vampire knight opening song, Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi. Woooo~. Spent almost a whole afternoon doing that though. And this is our final product.

After that, I did the tv-size World End (by Flow) with Bryan coz my friend here happens to be a great Code Geass fan and couldn't resist the song. Haha. Being a short song which last not more than 2 minutes, it sure took us alot of effort to complete it as we had around 6-7 "NG"s in between, somemore is sing for a while, then watch some youtube videos, then back to singing again. Lol. Talking bout watching youtube videos, we came across this, the second trailer for squaresoft's upcoming psp game Dissidia. omg, Squall is just too cool. And Ultemecia is just too...cheap. Haha.

Having done with singing and some 'youtubing', we then proceed to play Soul Calibur III and Basara X! I used Sanada Yukimura while Bryan used Date Masamune. The battle was so heated!!! (pictures below)

A clash between me and Bryan:

A more deadly clash:

Decides to fight close range since projectiles doesn't seem to work out:

Projectile clash again! Dragon vs Phoenix:

Overwhelmed by the thunder dragon!!!:

A counter-attack:


LOL. Kakoii desou?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Duet - Yume no Tsubasa

Did a duet with a friend from youtube. Pretty good for a first try, if you ask me. Haha.

Tsubasa Chronicles - Yume no Tsubasa

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Digimon Shinka!

Lol. For some reason, I'm all into digimon theme songs again. I think they are the coolest. Haha. And so, I did some of my own and they were more well-received than expected. I suppose that's a good thing ba..haha. And these are the ones I sang so far:

Braveheart - Digimon Evolution Theme

Break-up - Digimon 02 Evolution Theme

Slash - Digimon Tamers Evoltion Theme

Biggest Dreamer - Digimon Tamers Opening Theme

Monday, July 7, 2008

It's here!

Haha, can't believe it! My song made it up to youtube and I'm not the one who posted it.

But then again, dunno whether it's a good thing or a bad thing coz I actually screwed up half the song by forgetting the lyrics and just anyhow throw in words that came to my mind. Haha.

Anyway, here's a few jokes I read just now. There was this conversation between two people, A and B. A saw one of those 'chan' (a type of insect...dun remember its english name) and ask B "Don't you think those 'chan's very pitiful? They hid in the ground for so long and when they finally came to the surface, they only have a week to live". Then B's response was that we cannot gurantee those chan is not having a good life below the surface. Maybe they had all they need and enjoyed life and before they die, they have those "die die also must score a goal" attitude and come to the surface to see-see before they die.
Next, A saw B killed a mosquito and asked "Don't you find mosquitos pitiful? They suck blood becoz they need to give birth but was killed as pests". And B's response was that our skin itch after bitten coz of the mosquito saliva. They are those cheapskates who eat for free and after that still spit on you and say the food's not nice.

Eh? Not funny? Haha...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Post Cosfest

Today finally sang at the karaoke competition at cosfest...but, haiz, turns out that I was still unable to keep my nervous side down. Ends up forgetting the lyrics for the second half of the song and just anyhow use whatever words that comes to my mind to sing. Man, why must I forget the lyrics at such a time...it's so saddening...I even forgot what I was gonna blog...sob...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Performing at Cosfest

Kyaaa...can't believe it...I'm really in for the cosfest singing competition and it's just only 3 days away from now, and I've yet to memorise the lyrics. And worse...dun think I can sing well now coz of the mixed feelings...guess I have to cool myself down first. Afterall, a cool guy must always be cool right? Haha.

Well, back to gaming. Just finished Suikoden and YAY, I finally got the best ending. Didn't manage to get it the last time I play coz I missed out Futch and Humprey and dun have a chance to recruit them until RockAxe Castle is taken down. Currently playing Legend of Dragoon and yes, I know there's still tons of psp games out there that I haven't even started on but somehow there's this urge to play the psx games I've cleared before.

As for anime, Vampire Knight has ended and there's still so much more!!! Guess they will come up with a season two or something half a year later like gundam 00. Lately I've watched Tales of Earthsea. A nice anime overall, but some parts a bit hard to grapse and some parts simply boring. They do have excellent graphics for an anime though. One thing interesting in the show is the theory that trying to find the way for immortality is to forsake death, and by that also means forsaking life, as the value of life will become meaningless without death. Just like there's shadow whenever there's light, death will forever accompany life. Hmmm...chim isn't it? Haha. Ore mo wakaranai.