Sunday, May 11, 2008

Registering for driving course

Today woke up rather early...sort of having nothing to do so finally decide to go to BBDC to register for my driving course. When I entered the place, I was sort of lost. Went to the info counter in hope of getting some info but they only handed me a phamplet and nothing else. End up still lost anyway. So had to find some help and the person I called was David and who could have guessed it? David is there as well, only at the second level...so went up there and really found him...talk about being gay! LOL. Well, end up spending time with him for the rest of the day as we went to eat and walk around IMM after that.

Hmmm...come to think of it, rather gay...meeting a male friend by coincidence and go around together for more than half a day. Haha, who cares, afterall today's kinda fun.

1 comment:

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