Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ultima Knights' first battle!

Wooohooo~! Yesterday was a very fun day! The Ultima Knights finally have their first meet-up. Cheers! LOL.

Ok, better start explaining what is Ultima Knights first in case anyone was wondering what I was talking about. Lately I've been playing this PSP game called Dissidia, where all the past Final Fantasy characters are put together for an epic battle. It was really cool! So anyway, I realised that playing PSP alone is not as fun as a whole group playing together, especially there's the wi-fi system built in just for that! So, in order to bring gaming experience to a higher level, I've recruited fellow PSP mates online who supported my idea, and formed a clan by the name of Ultima Knights. Yup, that's the origin of Ultima Knights. The members are low currently, but I believe it will expand. Yeah!

Back to yesterday, I held the first meet-up for Ultima Knights and a total of 9(including me) turned up. Not bad for a first meet-up eh? Haha. A pity we have odd numbers though...so one of us is usually left out while everyone is playing against each other. But all in all, the battles are pretty heated, with Nestor, Liang and Selvyn at SSS rank(sorry if I left out anyone) and I totally enjoyed it. Hope we can have more meet-ups soon...maybe SOY. It will be even better if we have an opposing clan.

Anyway, these are the Ultima Knights stuffs currently:

Our website: http://geocities.com/ultima_knights

Our videos: Liang's, Nestor's and mine

And last but not least, us: